As more vehicles are on the road today, more rear-end car accidents have been the result. One of the most common is rear-end collisions, which account for almost 29 percent of all motor vehicle crashes. Based on data from the Federal Highway Administration, most of these accidents occur when the car in front is driving as much as 10 miles per hour slower than the car which initiates the collision.
Rear End Motor Vehicle accident
This data, found at shows just how prevalent these crashes are in the United States. For those who have been victims of these car, truck and vehicular accidents, retaining a Rhode Island personal injury lawyer may allow them to force those responsible to admit negligence and provide financial compensation. An East Providence rear-end accident injury attorney can make or break your injury cause of action.
Accident Statistics

In many car accidents, drivers who rear-end the vehicles in front of them have been distracted due to numerous activities such as texting while driving.
Most states such as Rhode Island and Providence Plantations having laws against texting or talking on cellphones while driving. Many drivers choose to ignore these laws and instead do as they please behind the wheel. Unfortunately, in doing so they put others on the road at risk, resulting in many unnecessary injuries year after year. When these car accidents happen, victims can suffer from a number of injuries such as whiplash, broken bones / fractures, torn ligaments, and other injuries. If this happens, a RI personal injury lawyer can assess the situation and offer advice on whether a victim has a case that needs to be pursued.
Rhode Island accident attorney
According to data from the website, it’s estimated that as many as 439 rear-end crashes could be prevented if drivers would put down their cell phones and instead concentrate on what’s ahead of them on the road. But despite the laws, drivers continue to have rear-end collisions daily due to negligence behind the wheel.
Insurance companies often blame injured victim
However, in many of these accidents, insurance companies for those drivers who committed rear-end collisions often attempt to place blame on the victim. Using high-pressure tactics to intimidate victims into taking a settlement that does not begin to fully compensate them for their injuries, the results can often be very unfair to victims who need adequate compensation for their injuries. Rather than let this happen, numerous victims turn to Rhode Island personal injury attorneys to provide guidance through these tough times. While there are no guarantees in cases such as these, victims who speak with attorneys or injury lawyers put themselves in much more favorable positions to gain the financial compensation to help with their injuries.
Many people have questions about what happens to your body in a rear end collision as well as the nature of rear end collision injuries. A rear end crash lawyer will help you get the rear end collision settlement that you are entitled to.
An accident in RI
A rear-end accident in RI is a serious event and should not be treated lightly. A Providence rear-end accident injury lawyer will fight the insurance company Rhode Island personal injury attorneys will pursue top compensation as a result of your Providence rear-end accident.
Rear-end car accidents in Rhode Island can be especially harmful due to the direct impact to the vehicle involved with such collisions. Injuries and damage to vehicles can range from minor to extensive depending on the force of the impact. Consider the following stats: There are approximately 2 million rear-end accidents each year in the United States, according to the National Transportation Safety Board. If you were injured in a RI motor vehicle accident, contact a Riverside Rhode Island personal injury lawyer. An injury from a motor vehicle crash happens in the United States every 12 seconds. Source

Rear-end collisions are the most common type of auto accident in the United States followed by single-vehicle crashes and T-bone or cross-traffic accidents.
The National Transportation Safety Board suggests automakers could take more steps to reduce rear-end accidents. The agency suggests that collision avoidance equipment become standard in all vehicles.
Injury and death from RI car accident
Nearly 2,000 people die as a result of a rear end collision each year. About 500,000 individuals are hurt annually in such accidents.A study by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that nearly 90 percent of rear-end vehicle accidents occurred due to driver distraction. The NHTSA estimates that more than 40 percent of the 6 million car accidents every year in the U.S. are read-end collisions.Rear-end car accidents occur roughly every eight seconds in the United States.
Injuries resulting from accident
The majority of rear-end crashes happen at speeds less than 10 miles per hour. Even so, rear-end collisions can still result in serious injuries to the back, neck and brain.Rear-end accidents are sometimes referred to as “whiplash accidents” since the sudden jarring motion may result in a neck injury.
whiplash (soft tissue injury)
One study found that the real damage from whiplash is the sudden surprise from behind when a rear-end collision occurs. Injuries from whiplash may not be evident until several days or weeks later .While rear-end collisions are fairly common, the good news is that such accidents are rarely fatal. This is because of the low speeds often involved with a rear-end vehicle accident.Costs associated with rear-end impact vehicle accidents total nearly $30 billion annually in the United States. Nearly 40 percent of spinal cord injuries are the direct result of car accidents such as a rear-end collision, making vehicle crashes the top cause of SCIs.
multi-car vehicular wrecks in Rumford, RI.
In multi-car rear-end collisions in Rhode Island, the owner of the vehicle that started the chain of events is generally considered the at-fault party. If you’ve been injured in a RI rear-end vehicle accident, contact an East Providence personal injury attorney familiar with cases of this nature. For accidents where another party was involved, you may be entitled to receive compensation for current and future medical expenses and lost wages. A RI motor vehicle accident is a very serious matter and it is imperative that you get one of the best RI motor vehicle accident attorneys on your side.
The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration is making its case for forward collision avoidance systems, and there’s a good reason for it. The agency reports that about 28 percent of all motor vehicle collisions involve rear-end accidents. To put that number in perspective, about 23 percent of all crashes involve drivers losing control of their vehicles or running off the road. Less than 10 percent were caused by careless lane changes.
Contributing factors to rear-end collisions
In a perfect world, a person who is tailgating you is likely to be able to stop or slow down when you stop or slow down. It’s not a perfect world during rush hour, and it might not even be a perfect world on a Sunday drive if the driver behind you is:
- Distracted with a cellular or navigational device
- Driving aggressively
- Fatigued
- Inattentive
- Driving on wet or icy pavement
- Otherwise careless and negligent
Common injuries in rear-end tailgating collisions
Most injuries in rear-end collisions in Rhode island involve the brain, neck and spine. The force in motion of the vehicle hitting another vehicle that’s stopped results in the victim’s body being unexpectedly thrust forward while his or head stays in the same position it was in at the time of impact. For less than two seconds, the neck or cervical spine is hyperextended. The injury is commonly known as a whiplash injury.
Symptoms of hyperextension injuries | tailgating
Our bodies are all different, and the magnitude of the impact in different rear-end collisions (caused by tailgating) is certainly different too. A victim might be stopped and looking ahead or to one side or the other, but they all suffer certain common injuries that can include:
- Head, neck and shoulder pain
- Dizziness or cognitive issues from a concussion
- Arm pain from involvement of spinal nerves originating in the neck
- Decreased range of motion from injured tissue and nerves
- Lower back pain and leg
Depending on a variety of factors, pain and discomfort might resolve in six weeks, or it might last a lifetime.
It’s important that rear-end collision victims in RI and MA seek treatment for their injuries immediately after an accident. For purposes of being compensated for their injuries, it’s also important that they contact a knowledgeable and experienced Rhode island personal injury attorney or RI car accident lawyer for representation. Contact a Providence personal injury lawyer for a free consultation and case evaluation. Both evidence and witnesses can disappear. begin working on obtaining compensation using an East Providence automobile or motor vehicle crash lawyer.
Every day, we hear reports of accidents on our roads. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation, road accidents resulted in 37,461 fatalities in 2016. These accidents take various forms. They can be car-car collisions, car-pedestrian crashes, car-bike collisions, and others. In these accidents, the party who is responsible for the accident should compensate the other party for any damages and injuries suffered. That is why a Rhode Island personal injury lawyer fights vigorous court battles trying to reduce the liability of their clients.
Rhode Island personal injury lawyer
While proving liability in many accidents is not straightforward, there is one type of accident where fault is almost certain. This is rear end collisions. Rear end accidents involve a vehicle hitting another from behind. Traffic laws require the trailing driver to drive at a safe distance from the leading car. This is because the leading driver can make a sudden stop due to factors such as traffic jam, obstructions, and accidents. With that, the trailing driver is almost always at fault, but not entirely. Sometimes, the leading driver is partially or wholly at fault.
Establishing fault in rear end collisions
The laws of negligence are applied to determine the driver who is at fault. As earlier stated, traffic rules in the USA require the trailing driver to drive at a safe distance from the leading vehicle. The trailing driver can, therefore, be at fault for not following the rule. In some circumstances, the leading driver bears responsibility for the accident. Some of these circumstances include
- When the leading driver does not move to the roadside after getting a flat tire.
- If the leading driver’s brake or hazard lights were faulty.
- When the leading driver suddenly cuts in front of the trailing driver and the trailing driver does not have enough time to reduce their speed.
- If the leading driver is driving erratically or under the influence of drugs.
- When the leading driver reverses suddenly.
- When the leading driver fails to maintain sufficient speed after merging into traffic.
What is used to prove negligence in rear end collisions
To get compensation, the plaintiff must prove that the accident happened, the other party was responsible for the crash, and the accident caused damage to property or personal injury to the plaintiff. You might also be required to prove the above details when making an insurance claim. The following can be used to determine a rear end collision case.
Traffic rules: A plaintiff can show that the other driver caused the accident due to disobedience to traffic rules. For example, the law that requires the trailing driver to drive at a safe distance from the vehicle in front.
Police report: The first responding officer will usually make a report on the accident. The opinions and descriptions of the responding officers can determine the case.
Picture and video evidence: If you took pictures of the alignment of the vehicles immediately after the crash, you can present them in court or to insurers as evidence. When taking photos for evidence purposes, don’t limit yourself to the damaged parts. Other information such as the state of traffic at the time of the accident can be valuable.
Witness statements: The court can admit statements from parties who have no interest in the case.
Accident reconstruction experts: Sometimes, establishing fault in rear end accidents can be a complex process. For example, in accidents involving more than two vehicles. In such cases, accidents reconstruction experts can be consulted to help unravel how the accident happened.
Shared fault in rear end accidents
Comparative or shared negligence in rear end accidents is where both the leading and the trailing drivers showed negligence. In such a case, the liability will be split between the two drivers. The laws governing shared negligence are different depending on the state. For example, states as North Carolina, Virginia, District of Columbia, Alabama, and Maryland exercise contributory negligence while the other states apply comparative negligence.
Contributory negligence: The plaintiff cannot recover anything from the defendant if the plaintiff was partially responsible for the accident. The defendant, therefore, has an easy task of proving that the plaintiff was negligent. It does not matter how small the plaintiff’s negligence was.
Comparative fault: It can either be modified comparative negligence or pure comparative negligence. In pure comparative negligence, the liability of each driver will be directly proportional to the percentage of negligence they showed. In modified comparative negligence, the liability is still divided between the two parties but up to a specified percentage. For example, if the specified percentage in a state is 50 percent as is often the case, the defendant will not compensate the plaintiff if the plaintiff’s negligence is above 50 percent. Rhode Island is a pure comparative fault state.
What should you do if you are involved in a rear end accident
If you are involved in a rear end accident, first seek medical attention for yourself and the injured persons. You should make sure that all the injured persons are taken to a safe location. However, if there are emergency response professionals on site, don’t get too involved. After you have left the scene of the ri car accident, you should contact a Rhode Island personal injury attorney. The Rhode Island personal injury lawyer will guide you on how to answer questions from the police and insurance agents. Don’t forget to take as many pictures of the accident scene as possible. The photos can be used as evidence later.
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