This article was authored by a Rhode Island distracted driving lawyer. Driving distracted and texting while driving is considered deadly behavior, which contributes to thousands of fatalities on U.S. and Rhode Island roadways every year.
Rhode Island distracted driving lawyer
Distracted driving in Rhode Island is considered any activity where the motorist’s attention is diverted away from the roadway. Every distraction of the driver can endanger the motorist, passengers and others on the Providence, Pawtucket or North providence roadway including bicyclists and pedestrians. If you were injured in a texting while driving accident or another type of distracted driving crash, contact a distracted driving attorney in RI.
Common distractions when driving include:
• Sending or reading text messages (texting and driving)
• Using a smart phone, cell phone or other mobile technology
• Drinking and eating
• Reading
• Grooming including applying makeup
• Reaching for objects
• Watching videos
• Gathering information from a navigation system
• Using electronic features in the car including the radio, MP3 player and CD player
• Dealing with children
• Conversing with passengers
Fatal distracted driving accident
Inexperienced Providence drivers under 20 years old in Rhode Island (RI) and across AMERICA have the highest percentage of fatal accidents involving a distraction. However, every driver on the road has drawn their attention away from their driving task at some point, though performing a non-driving task is usually a conscious choice every driver makes.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distraction-affected crashes injure more than 400,000 Americans every year. This is because hundreds of thousands of individuals are driving the nation’s and major cities such as Providence’s roadways during every daylight hours, and many of them are using a cell phone, navigation device, MP3 player or radio.
Using Hands-Free Devices
Electronic manufacturers have devised a variety of hands-free devices including speakerphones and headsets to be used while driving. However, research indicates that both handheld and hands-free devices degrade the performance of the driver to remain attentive on the roadway.
Studies show that motorists using any non-driving device have an increased potential of missing crucial audio and visual cues necessary for avoiding a RI car crash. While using a handheld device increases the potential of being involved in an accident, hands-free devices are certainly not without risks.
Dealing with Children
It is important that young children understand that your concentration is a critical component to driving safely. Ensure children are properly buckled in their seat. The child should be provided their own distractions including appropriate toys, games, books or other devices that can occupy their time. When children need to be attended to, pull over, and stop the vehicle in a safe place out of harm’s way. Never attend to the needs of children when driving.
Distracted driving accident
While many of us are distracted while driving or engage in texting while driving, changing bad habits can make you a better driver. When operating a vehicle with passengers, develop effective strategies for controlling actions and conversations in the car. A full carload of passengers in Bristol, Warren or Barrington RI can be very distracting with loud conversation and horseplay. As the driver, you will need to lay down the law to ensure that all inappropriate behavior is avoided while you are driving.
Accidents caused by pets
An uncaged dog or cat inside a moving car can be potentially dangerous or fatal. This can cause a distracted driving accident in Rhode Island. Pets should be secured properly in a portable kennel, carrier or pet harness designed for the car. Pets should never sit in the lap of the driver while the vehicle is moving. Any distraction on the roadway in North Providence, East Greenwich, or Newport RI can significantly hamper awareness of your surroundings, and reduce your ability to make good decisions when driving. Remember that driving safe is the easiest way to stay alive, while keeping control of the vehicle with your eyes focused on the road.
RI distracted driving attorney
If you were injured in a RI car, auto or truck crash then it is imperative that you contact a RI personal injury Lawyer. A Good RI distracted driving attorney or personal injury attorney should have experience proving a distracted driving or texting automobile accident in Rhode Island. Distraction
Legal Notice per Rules of Professional Responsibility: The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers and attorneys in the general practice of law, but does not license or certify any RI distracted driving lawyer / attorney as an expert or specialist in any field of practice. While this firm maintains joint responsibility, most cases of this type are referred to other attorneys for principle responsibility.