Motor Vehicle accidents in Rhode Island can cause hundreds of different types of injuries to numerous different areas of the human body. Injuries in a car collision in Rhode Island and Providence Plantations could be to the chest, neck, head, knees or pelvis. If you were injured in a Rhode Island car crash it is strongly advisable to retain a top Rhode Island personal injury lawyer.
Severity of motor vehicle crash
Obviously, the severity of the Providence car wreck and the type of collision will play a major role in the nature of the injury. Even though the type of injuries ranges from a whiplash injury to paralysis, there are some types of injuries that are more common than others.
A motorcycle, bike or bicycle accident in Rhode Island obviously is much more likely to be fatal or cause very serious injury such as traumatic brain injury, paralysis or fractured bones. Similarly a tractor trailer, semi- truck or 18 wheeler crash in RI will be exponentially more serious than a standard RI car accident. Even an SUV, bus, pickup truck, flatbed truck or van motor vehicle crash will be more serious than a standard car accident.
Emedicinet states: “Trauma is the leading cause of death, morbidity, hospitalization, and disability in Americans aged 1 year to the middle of the fifth decade of life” Medscape
Rollover accident
In a rollover motor vehicle accident, a passenger or motorist can be tossed around the motor vehicle and even in some occasions ejected through the windshield. In a rear-ender there could be a spinal cord injury, fractured vertebrae or whiplash injury. A broadside (T bone) collision could lead to a host of other injuries such as whiplash or fractured bone. In the event of a single car accident or a single car rollover crash the type of injury will be determined by the severity of the impact.
Multi vehicle collision in RI
A multi vehicle rear end motor vehicle accident in Rhode Island could cause a series of traumas to the victim’s body. In some instances a pedestrian is seriously injured when hit by a motor vehicle.
If you were injured in a motor vehicle pedestrian accident then retain a top Rhode Island pedestrian accident lawyer. In some instances, a RI car accident can be deadly causing family members immense grieving and suffering. Fatal car accidents in Rhode Island often result in wrongful death litigation in Providence Superior Court. A fatal accident caused by a drunk, stoned or reckless driver can compound the suffering of the spouse, child or loved ones of the deceased. A wrong way highway fatality or a loved one who is killed by a speeding or distracted driver who is texting while driving can cause the family endless sleepless nights trying to figure out why this happened.
Wrongful death attorney in Rhode Island
Wrongful death cases must be pursued by the executor or administrator of the deceased estate on behalf of the beneficiaries set for in the RI wrongful death statute. Typically the executor will retain a Rhode Island wrongful death attorney to represent the estate. Nonetheless, the settlement funds or judgment obtained on behalf of the estate is not an asset of the estate available to the creditors.Read the RI wrongful death statute here: RI law
Traumatic Brian Injury
Traumatic Brain injury (TBI) or head injury – Some motor vehicle accidents result in a minor concussion while other crashes result in a more serious traumatic brain injury. In any event, head injuries are very serious and must be addressed immediately with medical help. According to the TBI guide: “If a person is driving a car at 45 miles per hour and is struck head-on by another car traveling at the same rate of speed, the person’s brain goes from 45 miles per hour to zero in an instant. The soft tissue of the brain is propelled against the very hard bone of the skull.” tbiguide
Neck/ back injuries, Whiplash/ strains/ sprains & soft tissue injury– Whiplash injury such as cervical sprains and strains is a very real consequence of Rhode Island auto accidents. Unfortunately, insurance adjusters are well known for minimizing the consequences of this very frequent type of RI car accident injury. Medicinet declared that: “Whiplash is a relatively common injury that occurs to a person’s neck following a sudden acceleration-deceleration force that causes unrestrained, rapid forward and backward movement of the head and neck, most commonly from motor vehicle accidents.” Medicinenet
“Whiplash is an injury to the neck caused when it is forcefully whipped or forced backward or forward. The structures involved are the muscles, ligaments, tendons, discs, and nerves in the neck. “Pain or stiffness in the front and back of neck, either immediately following or up to 24 hours after the injury. Dizziness, headache, and nausea and vomiting. Muscle spasm with soreness and stiffness in the neck. Tenderness and swelling at the injury site. iach “ An injured victim will need to retain the services of a top Providence car accident lawyer.
Cut, Lacerations and scarring- A serious auto accident can cause the driver/ motorist to hit the windshield or steering wheel with blunt force trauma. This type of trauma could cause a concussion as well as cuts, lacerations, bruises and scars. “Broken glass, torn sheet metal or flying objects inside the car can all cause lacerations or cuts. Simple cuts may heal on their own or with a few stitches. Deep lacerations may result in blood loss and require surgery to repair. Scarring may result from cuts and require surgery to minimize visible scars, especially if the scars are on the face or neck.” Merrittwebb
Fractures- A broken bone is a fracture. A fracture could occur in a car accident victim’s legs, hip, arms or spinal cord. The Hensley Legal group states: “Also called fractures, broken bones generally occur as a result of trauma suffered in an auto accident. If someone else’s negligence was responsible for the accident that caused you broken bones, you may be eligible for compensation for your injuries. ” Hensley Legal Group, PC “Broken Bones after a Serious Car Accident”
It is crucial that you do not attempt to negotiate you own settlement with the insurance company adjuster. www.insurancelawhelp.com Please retain a RI personal injury attorney to help you get the motor vehicle or truck accident settlement that you deserve.
NBC news reports: “Teen Admits Responsibility in Deadly Drunken Driving Crash“The truck struck several vehicles, including Jennings’ truck where two 13-year-old boys were seated at the time of the crash. Ashlynn Evans, 18, had her Volkswagen side-swiped and pushed from the road. The 13-year-old’s suffered minor injuries and Evans was not hurt. Riding in the red pickup truck were eight teenagers, including Couch. Six of the teens were in the cab of the truck, while two others were sitting in the bed of the truck. The pickup rolled over and became lodged in a tree.” nbcdfw
Non TBI Head Injuries- A Warwick or Cranston car accident could result in a head injury different from a traumatic brain injury such as an eye injury. Facial trauma could cause a loss of vision, a broken nose or a fractured jaw. A motor vehicle collision in Pawtucket or Woonsocket could even lead to dental injury necessitating a trip to the dentist.
Foot Injury or Leg injury: In some East Providence, North Providence or Johnston car accidents the victim suffers a serious knee or leg injury. There are often cases of multiple fractures, a toe injury, meniscus tear or even a severed limb.
Chest Injury- A Woonsocket, Lincoln or Cumberland auto accident could cause broken ribs. If the motorist or passenger is not wearing a seat belt they could be seriously injured by the trauma from smashing up against the car dashboard or steering wheel. “Blunt injury to the chest can affect any one or all components of the chest wall and thoracic cavity. These components include the bony skeleton (ribs, clavicles, scapulae, sternum), lungs and pleurae, tracheobronchial tree, esophagus, heart, great vessels of the chest, and the diaphragm.” e-medicine
“The force of the collision between the truck and the Chrysler caused the Chrysler to hit a Mazda CX-5. The Chrysler then plummeted off the bridge, 27 feet into 7 feet of water. Miraculously the Chrysler driver was able to swim from her motor vehicle to be rescued and brought via ambulance to the hospital for medical treatment.” Information
Legal Notice per Rules of Professional Responsibility: The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers and attorneys in the general practice of law, but does not license or certify any lawyer / attorney as an expert or specialist in any field of practice. While this firm maintains joint responsibility, most cases of this type are referred to other attorneys for principle responsibility.