Many people are seeking info about a car accident in RI today. Car accidents in RI are a common occurrence in every state in the U.S. According to the Association For Safe International Road Travel, 2.35 million people are injured in car accidents in the United States each year. Rhode Island is no exception. Heavy traffic and distracted driving are two common causes of accidents.

Car accidents in Rhode Island today

Car accidents in RI today

The following is an overview of accidents by the month, day and time in Rhode Island. If you have been hurt in a car accident in Providence due to another drivers negligence, contact a  Rhode Island personal injury lawyer to learn what options you may have under the law.

Traffic statistic

State traffic statistics lists show the percentage of car accidents in the state of Rhode Island each month:

The highest number of accidents occurred in May, November and December annually.

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Accidents By Days Of The Week

Below are the statistics of traffic accidents resulting in serious injury per days of the week:

As you can see above, Wednesday is the most dangerous day of the week for those on Rhode Island roads.

Accidents By The Time Of Day

Below are the number of fatal accidents listed by the time of day beginning with the highest percentage:

Accidents in ri yesterday

While it is impossible to predict exactly when accidents will happen, the above shows the trends for serious injuries in Rhode Island. If you or a family member has been injured in a Rhode Island car accident due to a negligent driver, it may benefit you to speak with a personal injury lawyer for advice. Source: DOT RI 

National statistics:

Car accidents can vary in frequency depending on various factors such as weather conditions, road congestion, and local traffic patterns. However, there are some general trends that can be observed when looking at national accident statistics in the United States.

  1. Month:
    • The summer months, particularly June, July, and August, tend to see a higher number of car accidents. This is often attributed to increased travel during the summer vacation season and more people on the road.
    • October and November can also have a relatively high number of accidents due to changing weather conditions, with rain and leaves on the road posing challenges for drivers.
  2. Date:
    • There isn’t a specific date that stands out for car accidents on a national level. Accidents can occur on any day of the month.
  3. Day of the Week:
    • Weekends (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) tend to have a higher number of car accidents compared to weekdays. This is often because more people are traveling for leisure, going out, or running errands on weekends.
  4. Time of Day:
    • Rush hours, typically in the morning (around 7-9 am) and late afternoon (around 4-6 pm), tend to have higher accident rates during the workweek. This is when many people are commuting to and from work.

Accident on 295 in ri today

It’s important to note that specific accident statistics can vary by region and can be influenced by local factors. If you want the most up-to-date and detailed information on car accidents, I recommend checking with your local or national traffic safety organizations and law enforcement agencies. They typically maintain records and statistics on accidents in your area, which can provide more accurate and recent data.

Educating Rhode Islanders has helped

“Of the 45 fatalities that occurred in Rhode Island in 2015, the majority were motor vehicle occupants, nine were riding motorcycles and eight were pedestrians. Working with the State Police and local law enforcement, educating Rhode Islanders has helped, the Department reports. RIDOT statistics show that roadway fatalities have been on a consistent decline. In 2010 Rhode Island reported 67 fatalities, in 2011 there were 66, and in 2012 another 64 people were killed. Although the state saw a slight increase in 2013 with 65 fatalities, the number of victims was reduced to 51 in 2014.”

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